‘Am I happy?If I should die tomorrow,would I be completely satisfied with the kind of life I lived?’
However cliche we might think these questions are,the answers to them are quite profound in determining how fulfilling the kind of life we lead is.
Often we get so lost in the pursuit of what we think is essential for life(money,fame,houses,cars,etc) and trap ourselves in the never-ending bubble of the never-ending hustle for these so-called essentials that we forget what it is we actually need to have a satisfying life.We seem to have forgotten how to live this ephemeral world to the best of it.We pursue good grades,promotions,wealth and rely on these things to make us happy and make us smile.
We live each day in tension worrying about those things we want to achieve,those things we haven’t yet done and regretting those things we did wrong or couldn’t quite achieve.We eat three meals a day,hang out a few times with friends,sometimes showering ourselves with luxurious things, while the worries, tension and pressure that we build hang around our necks meticulously and we stay under the illusion that we are living our best lives,when in reality,we actually aren’t.
We,more often than not,rely on external factors like money,grades luxury to make us happy,continuously running after them in circles and ignorantly throwing away our chances at happiness;true pure and undiluted happiness.
While I definitely do concede that luxury,wealth and success are quite attractive and that there is absolutely no crime in pursuing these,it is however quite more important to not lose ourselves in pursuing them.If we base our happiness on these external shallow factors, what we only get in return is fleeting,shallow happiness,mostly because by human nature the more we achieve,the more we want, making this illussionary happiness lapse in a jiffy.
True everlasting happiness comes from within.It is all about our heart and soul smiling.It is when things do not seem to be going right,yet we still find our heart soaring with happiness from within,happy with ourselves and being satisfied with who we are.It is about our soul glowing,a fire of self fulfillment that no liquid can quench burning within us.It is when everyday,(with or without a promotion,good grade,better job,etc) becomes our favorite day.
Undiluted happiness is attained when even something as trivial someone smiling or taking that cold/hot shower you take after work makes you happy and fills your heart with an immense joy.And while true happiness can be quite difficult to attain,it is the best feeling a person could ever experience.
Only when we experience true,undiluted happiness can we ever truly be ‘living’.Other than that we would only be ‘surviving’, because each day becomes a challenge,a bondage that holds us back from living our best lives and loving us.
So let’s free ourselves today,find happiness from within,live a fulfilling and gratifying life,and shine so bright diamonds would go green with envy.Let’s quit surviving and start living!
Love and light.